Thursday, February 19, 2009

The real crisis? We stopped being wise - Barry Schwartz's speech at TED

This is an excellent speech by Barry Schwartz at TED 2009. In this speech he says that the real crisis we are facing is our loss of wisdom. He talks about the importance of values, virtues etc and says that putting rules and more rules is not the solution. He also says that virtues cannot be taught at school nor can be put as an instruction sheet, it needs to be practiced by people and imbibed as part of our values.

This seems to echo my thoughts on one of my earlier blogs regarding the ethical/moral crisis reg Sathyam.

There are some excellent speeches published in TED website. You could check them out if you are interested.


Nandu said...

Thank you very much for your kind words. Appreciate you taking time to read thru my blog.